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Why book with BookingEXPO?

Who we are? Booking Expo is a leading international tour operator agency. We offer to our customer a complete package of services related to their trip: airline tickets, hotel accommodations, transfers, excursions, daytrips, conference/meeting room arrangements, dinner arrangements, cocktails and many more. We are dedicated to provide the best cost-effective services to our clients, no matter their travelling request.

What are the unique things that only we can offer? Our online reservation portal is providing the best hotel rates for more than 700 000 hotels WorldWide, and exclusively we provide accommodation services for more than 15 000 international exhibitions, trade fairs, events and conferences, which makes us THE Number 1 accommodation provider in our industry sector.

What is the difference between us and other companies? Visitors to our website will find not only the best available hotel rates but also, always a personal assistance provided by our professional employees.more

Our partners ThermalDevices  

Our partners ThermalDevices